KARAKTERISASI NANOSTRUKTUR KARBON DARI GRAFIT HASIL MILLING[Characterization of Nanostructured Carbon from Graphite as Milling Product]
karakterisasi nanostruktur karbon dari grafit hasil milling. Nanostruktur karbon dibuat melalui proses milling
dengan teknik high energy milling (HEM) terhadap serbuk grafit dengan variasi waktu milling antara 25 jam
sampai 100 jam. Serbuk grafit hasil milling kemudian diidentifikasi fasanya dengan metoda difraktometer sinarx
(XRD), ukuran partikel yang terbentuk dengan metoda particle size analyzer (PSA) dan diamati secara detil
topologinya dengan metoda transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Hasil identifikasi fasa terhadap serbuk
grafit hasil milling menunjukkan bahwa hanya muncul puncak difraksi C(002) dan C(004). Hal ini menunjukkan
bahwa struktur grafit masih didominasi oleh fasa heksagonal. Intensitas puncak difraksi ini semakin rendah
seiring dengan bertambahnya waktu milling. Hasil analisa dengan PSA menunjukkan terbentuknya karbon
nanostruktur hasil milling, dimana ditunjukkan bahwa ukuran partikel karbon semakin kecil seiring dengan
peningkatan waktu milling, yaitu dari 540 nm (25 jam) menjadi 190 nm (75 jam). Hasil analisa TEM
menunjukkan adanya serat-serat pipih panjang berukuran diameter 10 - 75 nm dan panjang 20 - 200 nm.
Kuantitas serat karbon ini semakin banyak seiring dengan peningkatan waktu milling. Hal ini menunjukkan
bahwa akibat adanya tumbukan antara partikel karbon dengan bola-bola milling selama proses milling
mengakibatkan penghancuran partikel-partikel karbon sampai ke ukuran nano serta pembentukan serat karbon.
Characterization of nanostructured carbon from graphite as milling product of High Energy Milling (HEM)
technique was carried out. Nanostructured Carbon was prepared by milling process against the graphite
powder with various of milling time between 25 hours up to 100 hours. A milled graphite powder was then
identified their phase by using phase identification with X-Ray Diffractometer methods, formed particle size
was measured by Particle Size Analyzer (PSA) and the detail phase including the tophology and
measurement of particle size were observed with Transmission Electron Scanning (TEM) methods. The
result of identification phase of the graphite powder milling results showed that the intensity of diffraction
peaks which appear only diffraction peaks for carbon C(002) C(004) and C(110), while for other atoms do
not identified. This indicates that the graphite structure is still dominated by the hexagonal phase. The
intensity of diffraction peaks is lower along with increasing milling time. PSA analysis result shows the
formation of carbon nanostructure as the result of milling process, which the carbon particle size decreases
with the increasing of milling time; from 540 nm (25 hours) to 190 nm (75 hours). TEM analysis result
shows the existence of long small fiber with the size of 10 – 75 nm and the length of 20 – 200 nm. This
shows that the result of collisions between particles of graphite powder with milling balls during milling
process, resulting in the destruction of the graphite particles until nano size and also in the forming of carbon
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