KUPOLA UDARA PANAS UNTUK MEMPRODUKSI NPI (NICKEL PIG IRON) DARI BIJIH NIKEL LATERIT. Produksi NPI (nickel pig iron) dapat dilakukan dengan kupola udara panas. Cara ini dapat menggantikan produksi NPI dengan tanur tiup (blast furnace) yang rumit dan membutuhkan investasi yang besar. Produksi NPI dengan kupola udara panas lebih menekankan pada proses peleburan dibanding dengan gabungan proses reduksi dan peleburan yang terjadi pada tanur tiup. Proses peleburan murni pada kupola udara panas dapat memberi setidaknya tiga keuntungan. Pertama, cara ini memungkinkan kadar nikel dalam NPI yang lebih tinggi dibanding NPI produk tanur tiup, ini disebabkan karena sebagian besi dapat dimasukkan kedalam terak, sehingga rasio nikel terhadap besi dalam NPI meningkat. Kedua, terjadinya penghematan kokas karena pembakaran sempurna yang terjadi dalam kupola menghasilkan panas lebih banyak dibandingkan reduksi yang menghasilkan gas karbon monoksida. Dan ketiga, peleburan dengan kupola ini memungkinkan penggunaan kokas kualitas lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan tanur tiup. Ketiga kelebihan di atas akan menurunkan biaya produksi NPI ke tingkat yang lebih ekonomis. Digabung dengan kesederhanaan proses dan biaya investasi yang rendah, produksi NPI dengan kupola udara panas dapat menjadi solusi ideal untuk pengolahan bijih nikel laterit, khususnya dari jenis limonitik. Kata kunci : NPI, Nikel, Kupola udara panas, Laterit Abstract HOT BLAST CUPOLA TO PRODUCE NICKEL PIG IRON (NPI) OF NICKEL LATERITE ORE.. Production NPI (nickel pig iron) can be done with hot blast cupola. This method can replace the blast furnace production of NPI which is complicated and requires a large invesment. Production of NPI in hot blast cupola give more emphasis on melting process than with a combined melting and reduction process that occurs in the blast furnace. Basically, the use of hot blast cupola in NPI production will give at least three advantages. First, this method allows the levels of nickel content in NPI become higher than blast furnace products. This is because some of the iron can be incorparated into the slag, so that the ratio of nickel to iron in the NPI increases. Second, the savings due to coke combustion that produces carbon monoxide gas in blast furnace. And third, smelting with hot blast allow the use of lower quality coke compared to the blast furnace smelting. The above advantageswill reduce costs to a level that NPI production become more economical. Combined with the simplicity and low investment costs, production of NPI with hot air cupola can be the ideal solution for the processing of nickel laterite ore, particularly of the limonitic type
Key words : NPI, Nickel, Hot blast cupola, Laterite
NPI (nickel pig iron) pertama dikenalkan di China sekitar tahun 2007 dimana saat itu harga logam nikel di pasaran dunia melambung sangat tinggi, hingga mencapai berkisar Rp 500.000 per kg. Pada saat itu China membuat NPI dengan teknologi tanur tiup (blast furnace) menggunakan bijih nikel laterit terutama yang berasal dari Indonesia[1].
Produk NPI yang dihasilkan mengandung logam.
Production NPI (nickel pig iron) can be done with hot blast cupola. This method can replace the blast furnace
production of NPI which is complicated and requires a large invesment. Production of NPI in hot blast cupola
give more emphasis on melting process than with a combined melting and reduction process that occurs in
the blast furnace. Basically, the use of hot blast cupola in NPI production will give at least three advantages.
First, this method allows the levels of nickel content in NPI become higher than blast furnace products. This
is because some of the iron can be incorparated into the slag, so that the ratio of nickel to iron in the NPI
increases. Second, the savings due to coke combustion that produces carbon monoxide gas in blast furnace.
And third, smelting with hot blast allow the use of lower quality coke compared to the blast furnace smelting.
The above advantageswill reduce costs to a level that NPI production become more economical. Combined
with the simplicity and low investment costs, production of NPI with hot air cupola can be the ideal solution
for the processing of nickel laterite ore, particularly of the limonitic type
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