PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN KARBON AKTIF PADA STRUKTUR KRISTAL DAN MAGNETISASI PARTIKEL NANO Fe3O4[Addition Effect of Active Carbon on Crystal Structure and Magnetization of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles]
PARTIKEL NANO Fe3O4. Pengaruh penambahan karbon aktif (C) pada struktur kristal dan magnetisasi
partikel nano Fe3O4 sebagai bahan adsorben telah diteliti. Cuplikan partikel nano Fe3O4 disintesis dengan
metoda ko-presipitasi. Disiapkan cuplikan Fe3O4 murni (FeM) dan cuplikan Fe3O4 dengan penambahan C,
dimana perbandingan berat prekursor Fe3O4 terhadap C divariasiakan. Variasi perbandingan berat Fe3O4
terhadap C adalah 1:1, 1:2 dan 1:3, selanjutnya cuplikan disebut berturut-turut FeC11, FeC12 dan FeC13.
Cuplikan dikarakterisasi dengan XRD (x-ray diffraction), VSM (vibrating sample magnetometer) dan TEM
(transmission electron microscope). Hasil analisis data difraksi sinar-x dengan metoda Rietveld menunjukkan
bahwa parameter kisi Fe3O4 pada FeM, FeC11, FeC12 dan FeC13 berturut-turut adalah a = b = c = 8,390(3) Å; a
= b = c = 8,433(4) Å; a = b = c = 8,43(1) Å dan a = b = c = 8,434(5) Å. Kurva magnetisasi dari FeM, FeC11,
FeC12 dan FeC13 masing-masing menampilkan sifat superparamagnetik. Harga magnetisasi, Ms cuplikan FeM,
FeC11, FeC12 dan FeC13 berturut-turut adalah 60, 30, 20 dan 15 emu/g. Semakin banyak C ditambahkan,
parameter kisi Fe3O4 bertambah panjang. Ini berarti sebagian C masuk ke dalam sistem kristal Fe3O4 secara
interstisi. Semakin banyak atom C di posisi interstisi antara Fe dan Fe, harga magnetisasi Fe3O4 terus menyusut.
Cuplikan FeC12 memiliki ukuran kristalit magnetite terkecil atau luas permukaan yang paling besar. Sehingga
memungkinkan memiliki kapasitas adsorpsi yang paling besar.
The addition effect of Carbon active (C) on crystal structure and magnetization of Fe3O4 nanoparticles as
adsorbent have been studied. The samples of Fe3O4 nanoparticles have been synthesized by coprecipitation
method. It were prepared Fe3O4 samples without and with the addition of C. The sample without C addition is
called FeM, and the weight ratio of Fe3O4 precursors to C were varied. The Fe3O4 weight ratio to C is 1:1, 1:2
and 1:3, hereinafter called FeC11, FeC12 and FeC13, respectively. The samples were characterized by XRD
(x-ray diffraction), VSM (vibrating sample magnetometer) and TEM (transmission electron microscope). The
analysis results of x-ray diffraction data using the Rietveld method showed that the lattice parameters of
Fe3O4 on FEM, FeC11, FeC12 and FeC13 are as follows: a = b = c = 8.390 (3) Å, a = b = c = 8.433 (4) Å, a
= b = c = 8.43 (1) Å, and a = b = c = 8.434 (5) Å, respectively. Each magnetization curves of the FEM,
FeC11, FeC12 and FeC13 show the super paramagnetic properties. The magnetization of FEM, FeC11,
FeC12 and FeC13 are Ms = 60, 30, 20 and 15 emu/g, respectively. The more C added, the longer the Fe3O4
lattice parameter is. This means that some C entered into the crystal system of Fe3O4 as interstitial atoms.
With growing number of C atoms in the interstitial positions between Fe and Fe, magnetization of Fe3O4
decreases. FeC12 sample has the smallest size of crystallites or the large surface area. So it may have the
greatest adsorption capacity.
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