PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN MULTIWALLED KARBON NANOTUBE PADA SIFAT MAGNET BAHAN KOMPOSIT Fe0,8-C0,2[Effect of Magnetic Properties in the Addition of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube to Material Composite Fe0,8- C0,2]
Telah dilakukan karakterisasi sifat magnetik Fe0,8C0,2 setelah dilakukan
penambahan 1% MWNT (multiwalled karbon nanotube) dan waktu milling. Fe0,8-C0,2 MWNT dibuat melalui
proses milling dangan menggunakan teknik ball milling dengan perbandingan berat bola dan cuplikan 5:1 selama
30 menit, 4,5 jam, 25 jam dan 50 jam. Serbuk Fe0,8-C0,2 MWNT dikarakterisasi sifat magnetiknya dengan VSM
(vibrating sampel magnetometer), struktur kristalnya dengan teknik difraksi sinar-X dan sifat listriknya dengan
LCR meter. Hasil pengukuran sifat magnetik dengan VSM menunjukkan bahwa sifat magnetik: magnetisasi
jenuh (Ms), magnetisasi remanent (Mr) dan kuat medan magnet koersif (Hc) mengalami penurunan dengan
penambahan waktu milling. Hasil karakterisasi dengan XRD, pola difraksi MWNT mempunyai intensitas lebih
tinggi dibandingkan pada komposit Fe0,8-C0,2 setelah penambahan MWNT. Hasil pengukuran sifat listrik dengan
LCR meter menunjukkan adanya kenaikan konduktansi seiring dengan penambahan waktu milling, kecuali untuk
waktu milling 25 jam. Penambahan MWNT tidak berpengaruh pada struktur kristal komposit Fe0,8-C0,2.
Characterization of magnetic properties has been carried out to the Fe0,8-C0,2 after addition of 1% MWNT
and varying the milling time. Fe0,8-C0,2 MWNT has been created through a process of milling using ball
milling technique and with a weight rasio of ball and sample of 5:1 for 30 minutes, 4.5 hours, 25 hours and
50 hours of milling time. The magnetic properties of Fe0,8-C0,2 MWNT powder were characterized by VSM
(Vibrating Sample Magnetometer), the crystalline structure was characterized by X-ray diffraction technique
and the electrical properties was measured by the LCR meter. The results of measurements of magnetic
properties by VSM show that the magnetic properties: saturation magnetization (Ms), remanent
magnetization (Mr) and coercive Strong magnetic field (Hc) decreased with the addition of milling time. The
results of the XRD showed that the diffraction pattern of MWNT has higher intensity than in the FeC after
addition of MWNT. The results of measurement of electrical properties with LCR meter showed a
conductance increasing with the increasing of milling time, except at 25 hours milled sample. The addition
of MWNT no effect on the crystal structure of the composite Fe0,8-C0,2 .
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