Pengaruh Suhu Dan Persentase Reduksi Terhadap Limit Drawing Ratio (LDR) Pada Proses Metal Forming Paduan 70Cu-30Zn [Effect of Temperature and Reduction Percentage to Limit Drawing Ratio (LDR) on Metal Forming of 70Cu-30Zn Alloy]
In metal forming, LDR parameter determination has an important role on the quality of the product. Therefore, characteristic data such as load bearing capacity limit of material should be known prior to the metal forming process. In this research, 70Cu-30Zn alloy with 70% Cu and 30% Zn which is widely done in metal forming especially deep drawing is used as samples. The samples are warm rolled at various temperatures and reduction percentages and then deep drawn by swift cup method based on ASTM E 643-15. To find LDR value, further analysis are done by FEM (finite element method) simulation and calculation for swift cup result based on formula as stated in ASTM E 6431-15 standard. Characterization is conducted by hardness test and micro structure examinations. Result of this reseach show that the LDR value is not significantly affected by reduction percentage but strongly affected by working temperature, where the highest temperature of metal forming has been given, the highest limit drawing ratio (LDR) could be obtained.
Penentuan nilai parameter LDR (limit drawing ratio) pada proses metal forming sangat berpengaruh terhadap kualitas produk, karena itu sebelum melakukan proses pengubahan bentuk diperlukan data mengenai batas kemampuan dari logam untuk menerima gaya pada proses tersebut. Pada penelitian ini digunakan paduan Cu- Zn dengan komposisi 70% Cu dan 30% Zn yang banyak dipakai pada proses pengubahan bentuk terutama deep drawing. Paduan 70Cu - 30Zn dilakukan proses warm rolling pada berbagai suhu dan persentase reduksi, kemudian dilakukan uji deep drawing dengan metode swift cup sesuai standar ASTM E 643-15. Untuk mencari nilai LDR, dilakukan simulasi menggunakan FEM (finite element method) dan perhitungan hasil swift cup dengan rumus sesuai stadar ASTM E 643-15. Karakterisasi yang dilakukan adalah pengamatan struktur mikro dan uji keras. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai LDR tidak dipengaruhi oleh % reduksi tetapi sangat dipengaruhi oleh suhu saat pengerjaan dilakukan, dimana makin tinggi suhu proses metal forming, makin tinggi nilai LDR akan dihasilkan.
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